Homemade MSG with all natural spices, herbs and ingredients

Homemade MSG with all natural spices and herbs

I’m trying to create my own version of healthy MSG using all natural spices and herbs as ingredients, without sugar.

List of ingredients (sorted with priority)

  • Onion powder
  • Mushroom extract powder
  • Nutritional yeast flakes
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper powder
  • White pepper powder
  • Tamari soy sauce
  • Dong quai powder (female ginseng / Angelica sinensis / å½“å½’)
  • Cumin seed powder
  • Coriander seed powder
  • Chili powder
  • Himalayan salt / sea salt / smoked sea salt flakes
  • Red wine
  • [Salted] egg yolk powder
  • Concentrated chicken stock
  • (NEW) Cheese powder
  • (NEW) Roselle powder
  • (NEW) Coffee powder

Acidity (choose at least 1)

Acidity greatly increases the appetite of a person when eating by preventing the feeling of fat satiation and tiredness, choose any one of them or combine few of them, but try not to over add and cause the food to be too sour to eat.
  • Tamarind paste
  • Tamarind powder 
    • Homemade: blend tamarind slices
    • Made from tamarind slices, different from tamarind paste (more sour)
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Tomato
  • Lemon juice
  • Lime juice
  • Okinawa Shikuwasa juice

Oils and fats (choose at least 1)

Most oils and fats have very strong flavor and aroma, you can try to add different types of oils for extra flavors and fragrance.
  • Butter
  • Lard
  • Duck fat
  • Coconut oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Apricot kernel oil
  • Palm oil
    • One of the most odorless and tasteless oils
  • Walnut oil
  • Hazelnut oil
  • Almond oil


  • Onion powder
    • One of the most important ingredients in homemade MSG
    • Can try to add more onion powder for extra aromatic fragrance and taste


  • White pepper powder
  • Cumin seed powder
  • Coriander seed powder
  • Coffee bean powder
    • Not yet included
    • Nice strong aromatic fragrance, but taste bitter


  • Dong quai powder (female ginseng / Angelica sinensis / å½“å½’)
    • Homemade recipe: Blended dong quai


  • Black pepper powder
  • Chili powder
  • Cayenne pepper powder
    • Not yet included
  • Paprika powder
    • Not yet included


  • Roselle powder
    • Not yet included
    • Homemade recipe: Blended dried roselle


  • Parsley leaves
    • Not yet included
  • Mint leaves
    • Not yet included


  • Peanuts (diced / powder / butter)
    • Not yet included
  • Cashews (diced / powder / butter)
    • Not yet included
  • Almonds (diced / powder / butter)
    • Not yet included

Carnivore / meats

  • [Salted] egg yolk powder
    • Homemade: Dehydrated [salted] egg yolk


  • Sour cream (cream / powder: trying new homemade recipe)
    • Not yet included
  • Cream cheese
    • Not yet included
  • Yoghurt
    • Not yet included
  • Cheese šŸ§€ (pieces / powder: trying new homemade recipe)
    • Not yet included


  • Coconut flour
    • To absorb oil and thicken gravy

Sauces and liquids

  • Tamari soy sauce
  • Red wine
  • Coconut cream / coconut milk
    • Not yet included
  • Anchovy fish juice
    • Not yet included
    • Ingredients: Anchovies, water, salt
    • Very salty, and normal table salt is added


  • Stevia powder
    • Not yet included
  • Monk fruit sweetener powder
    • Not yet included


  • Himalayan salt / sea salt / smoked sea salt flakes
  • Yeast extract / nutritional yeast flakes
    • Most of the commercial food uses yeast extract
  • Mushroom extract powder
  • Concentrated chicken stock
    • Homemade recipe: Pressure cooked chicken and reduced stock
    • Store in freezer as solid cube, or in fridge as gelatin

To be added for testing

  • Tomato powder
    • Homemade: Blend dried tomato
  • Dang shen / Codonopsis pilosula / å…šå‚
  • Cheese powder
    • Homemade: Blend and dehydrate, see if can preserve longer in fridge
  • Ajinomoto
  • Fennel seed powder
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Nutmeg powder
  • Star anise
  • Fenugreek


The amount of all of these ingredients for homemade MSG above needs to be added according to one’s preference. Try to experiment by adding or removing some of the ingredients and to adjust the amount according to your taste. 

Feel free to leave a comment below, share with us your opinion and experience, or ask a question if you have any doubt regarding this topic. Thanks for reading.


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