List of differences between different types of fruits (drupes, nuts, legumes, grains, berries)

List of differences between different types of fruits (drupes, nuts, legumes, grains, seeds)

Short answer:
  • Drupe
    • A fruit with juicy flesh and seeds inside
  • Berry
    • Seeds are embedded in the flesh
  • Grains
    • Grains are dry fruits of grasses
  • Nut
    • An inedible hard outer shell with an edible seed inside
    • The hard outer shell is equivalent to the juicy flesh of a drupe
  • Legume
    • A pod with multiple seeds inside
    • The pod is equivalent to the juicy flesh of a drupe
    • Beans, lentils and peas are the seed of a legume
    • Legume is with multiple seeds inside while nut is with one seed inside

All these nuts, legumes, grains, drupes and berries are actually fruits of different plants, while seed is a component of a fruit.

This is a blog post to help you easily distinguish between the differences for different types of fruits of a plant.


Feel free to leave a comment below, share with us your opinion and experience, or ask a question if you have any doubt on how to distinguish between a nut, legume, grain, drupe and seed. Thanks for reading.


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