2 ingredients to make mayonnaise

Just 2 ingredients to make the most basic mayonnaise

Short answer: Egg yolk and oil.

Yes, it’s that simple, you only need two ingredients which is pasteurized egg yolk and any oil or fat of your preference to make a perfect consistency mayonnaise.

How to make the most basic mayonnaise

Here is the basic step-by-step guide to make the most basic mayonnaise:
  1. You can use either whole egg or just egg yolk, depends on your own preference.
  2. Put 3 times the amount of oil for the amount of eggs you used.
  3. Mix and blend them together for few minutes.
  4. Once you have reach the consistency of the mayonnaise, your mayonnaise is done.
  5. You can add extra oil if it’s not enough in the middle of your blending.
  6. Extra: you can add your flavoring and seasoning anytime, before, in the middle or after blending your mayonnaise (egg yolk and oil).

Flavoring of your mayonnaise

You can customize the taste and flavoring of your mayonnaise based on your own preference once you have successfully master the basic of the mayonnaise.

It’s just as simple as adding your seasoning and flavoring into the mayonnaise together with the egg yolk and oil and then blend them all at once.

Common seasoning and flavoring include salt, vinegar, lemon, mustard, peppers, herbs, etc.

How to preserve your mayonnaise

Mayonnaise last longer in fridge than at room temperature, so make sure to store your mayonnaise in your refrigerator.

Commonly used flavorings like salt, vinegar and lemon which not only act as flavoring, but also can help to preserve your homemade mayonnaise longer, since they inhibit the growth of certain harmful bacteria. 

Salt is well known and has been used for century to preserve food before the recent invention of refrigeration.

Vinegar and lemon also increase the lifespan of the mayonnaise by creating an acidic environment which inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria and fungus. 

My personal mayonnaise preference

For my own personal preference in making mayonnaise, I prefer to use only egg yolks instead of whole egg as I like the taste of egg yolk and not so much on egg white, plus most of the nutrients of an egg are inside the egg yolk. Also, Undercooked egg white may inhibit the absorption of certain nutrients while overcook egg yolk may have reduced nutrients and not so tasty and creamy when eaten.

As for the seasoning and flavoring of my mayonnaise, I prefer to use vinegar, salt and lemon as I like the sourness which increase my appetite when dipping with other foods, especially meat. Vinegar, salt and lemon can also help to preserve my mayonnaise and have health benefits as well.


Feel free to leave a comment below, share with us your opinion and experience, or ask a question if you have any doubt making your homemade mayonnaise. Thanks for reading.


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