List of oil and fat states at room temperature and in fridge

List of oil and fat states at room temperature and in fridge (refrigerator)

Different oils and fats are in different states depend on the surrounding temperature. Oils are are usually liquid at room temperature while fats are solid at room temperature.

  • Olive oil
    • At room temperature: liquid
    • In fridge: liquid
  • Butter
    • At room temperature: Semi-solid
    • In fridge: Solid
  •  Coconut oil
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Solid (hard-solid)
  • Avocado oil
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Liquid
  • Lard
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Solid
  • Duck fat
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Solid
  • Cacao butter
    • At room temperature: Solid
    • In fridge: Solid
  • Palm oil
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Solid
  • Apricot kernel oil
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Liquid
  • Peanut oil (groundnut oil)
    • At room temperature: Liquid
    • In fridge: Liquid (with high viscosity)
    • In freezer: Solid (soft solid)
  • Peanut butter
    • At room temperature: Liquid (with high viscosity)
    • In fridge: Semi-solid
  • Coconut butter
    • At room temperature: Liquid (with high viscosity)
    • In fridge: Solid


  • Sources: Mainly animals
  • Fatty acids: Saturated
  • State at room temperature: Solid
  • Melting point: High
  • Chemical bonding: No double bond


  • Sources: Mainly plants
  • Fatty acids: Unsaturated
  • State at room temperature: Liquid
  • Melting point: Low
  • Chemical bonding: Have double bond

In General

Usually, saturated fat is solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature.


Feel free to leave a comment below, share with us your opinion and experience, or ask a question if you have any doubt regarding the states of different oils and fats at room temperature and in fridge. Thanks for reading.


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